Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 SWEET!
You want to talk about sweet? I’ll tell you about sweet. Sweet is every day when God has control of your life. Now, today was Therapy day and as I was outside and waiting for he bus, a thought came to me and I wrote it down:
A lot of times people don’t realize/recognize what God does for them every day. That is a shame because even though they don’t, God keeps doing it.
Then, the bus came (early) and God and I went to Therapy. Once there, Physical Therapy was first and we did many things, but the one that SHOCKED ME the most was that me, God, the ARJO and my Therapist (with me leading, turning, directing and moving) walked about 500 feet! Then, in Occupational Therapy I baked some cookies that I had gotten from the Internet and that was fine.

Then, the bus came about 30 minutes early and I got home in time for dinner with everyone and altogether-it was just plain SWEET!

And the very best part is that it didn’t just end there, in Matthew 28:20 it says:
“…and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”. So I know that I’m NEVER ALONE. Sweet!

A Servant for Christ,

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