Tuesday, May 01, 2007

OK, I'll just apologize right now because I'm sure that this is not thekind of thing that you want to hear from me, but it WAS A MAJORACCOMPLISHMENT for me. I tried 3 times to go to the bathroom yesterday,and while I knew that I had to go, I couldn't. Then, during dinner I hadthe feeling strongly again, so I went. And go I did. Then I got a verystrong feeling to try things myself; there was no fear there at allbecause I felt very strongly that the Lord was right there with me. SOI WIPED MYSELF without problems and called the old woman to tell her thatI was done and I thought we would celebrate my accomplishment. But allshe said was that I had put too much tissue in the toilet and itwouldn't flush; but the Lord and I had quite a discussion.A Servant for Christ,

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