Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Thursday, March 8, 2007 Addendum
I thought that it might be helpful if I further explained what it means to walk with the ARJO. To start, I have to grab ahold of the bars for my hands in the front and stand up properly with good posture. It is totally my responsibility to do this, but God helps me, I know it. Then some straps go between my legs and get hooked to the sides, all the while I have perfect posture. Then I begin to walk. I often just stall out and stop moving, but I have to use my arms and push forward. I also, at times, have to correct my footsteps or posture, and me & God do it. To turn corners, I press with my arms and move my feet in the directions I’m moving. And now during the whole time I am actually directing the ARJO! So that’s how God and I walk.

A Servant for Christ,


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