Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Friday, January 5, 2007 Major Blessing
OK, I went to Therapy today and what happened was obviously a gift from God. First I had Occupational and my hands just worked together like they were made to (like they never had in 42 years), then I went to Physical Therapy and, as usual, the best was yet to come. Normally I walked 200 feet and my goal (which was written on Wednesday) was 300 feet, well I walked 400 FEET with no problem! Then (as if there needed to be a then) on a mat, I stood up on my knees and THEN on my feet on the floor!

Now, I know that this may not seem like a lot to most of you, but just in case you don’t realize this, it takes A TON OF MUSCLES AND STRENGTH to just stand up and I thanked God and my Therapist for accomplishing so much with ME.

A Servant for Christ,


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